ContextCapture User Guide

Job Queue Monitor

The Job queue monitor is an independent panel displaying the current status of the job queue.

Job queue monitor

Open the Job queue monitor panel.

The Job queue monitor panel

Job queue selection

If a Job queue different from the default one has been set for the active project, the monitor allows to shift from a Job queue to another: in the Job queue combo-box, select the Job queue you want to display.

Job queue status

The monitor displays a summary of the Job queue status:

  • Engine(s): displays the number of engines currently listening to the Job queue.

  • Pending job(s): displays the numbers of jobs which are waiting to be processed.

  • Running job(s): displays the number of jobs being currently processed by an engine.

  • Failed job(s): displays the number of jobs that have been rejected by an engine after an error.

Job queue management

Jobs are managed using database files in the job queue directory.

The job queue cannot be managed directly, it can be done:

  • Per project from ContextCaptureMaster interface: aerotriangulation jobs and productions jobs can be simply monitored from the user interface.
  • From ContextCapture Master Kernel SDK: the SDK allows to monitor the job queue programmatically either per project, either globally with the dedicated Job Queue monitoring API.

Click on Open job queue directory to access the Job queue directory.